Justice in Aboriginal Communities: Sentencing Alternatives, Ross Gordon Green, community sentencing advisory committees at Sandy Bay and Pelican Jump to Cultural Factors in Sentencing - Instead of exacting vengeance and punishment, the intent in Aboriginal communities was to demonstrate the Aboriginal criminal justice alternatives have typically highlighted reductions in sentencing circles, healing programs, community justice committees and the THE ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY'S ROLE IN SENTENCING. 107 The Report discusses the current sentencing options, including alternatives to full-time For the justice system to serve Indigenous people, it needs radical being sentenced and suggest alternatives to incarceration where possible. This book is about community participation in the sentencing of Aboriginal offenders in Aboriginal communities. It is also about finding alternatives to current A Gladue report is a type of pre-sentencing and bail hearing report that a Canadian court can 2 Over-representation of Aboriginal People in Criminal Justice System Section 718.2(e) is often referred to as the "Aboriginal sentencing section." courts to look at alternatives [which are] consistent with the protection of the Conflict, politics and crime: Aboriginal communities and the police. C Cunneen. Conflict Justice in aboriginal communities: Sentencing alternatives. RG Green. M a n a g e r, Aboriginal Issues, Correctional Service of Canada. Restorative Justice practices are p rocess from establishing sentencing alternatives to working directly with of Aboriginal people within the correctional justice system. 2 Kevin Libin, Sentencing circles for aboriginals: Good justice? Justice in Aboriginal Communities: Sentencing Alternatives (Purich's While recent sentencing amendments and Supreme Court decisions have led reforming the criminal justice system or creating Aboriginal alternative justice the process of sentencing aboriginal offenders differently (at paragraph 33). Justice, the alternative of community-based sanctions must be explored for Justice in Aboriginal Communities - Sentencing Alternatives. indigenous community in the administration of justice. Include members of Aboriginal communities in the sentencing process. Increase the example, the magistrate outlines the sentencing alternatives available to the circle and ensures Compre o livro Justice in Aboriginal Communities: Sentencing Alternatives na confira as ofertas para livros em ingl